The MHHF is committed to making a positive and long-lasting impact on the health of our community. That’s why every dollar donated to our organization is used to improve the quality of care we can provide in our facilities – and by helping us reach our fundraising goals, you can see the difference you have made in the lives of your family, friends, and neighbours.

A History of Hope

We carry on a proud tradition of healing and support

The first hospital in Medicine Hat was built in 1889, becoming an important waypoint for people traveling across the prairies. Since then, the Medicine Hat Health Foundation has tirelessly worked to improve facilities, increase training and staff, and instill hope for a better future.

$21 Million

Invested into healthcare by the Medicine Hat Health Foundation.

Our Mission

Advance the health of our community through innovation and enhancements to healthcare services in Southeastern Alberta.

Guided by our values of community, transparency, compassion, integrity, and philanthropy, we strive for our vision of a healthy community that has access to outstanding healthcare services in Southeastern Alberta.


Team Directory

A team dedicated to education, inspiration, and improvement

Our core team is part of the community – and understands the impact the health foundation can have. We advocate for better services, raise funds for facilities, and so much more.

Meet the Team

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